Arthritis is not a single disease it is a term which covers more than 100 medical conditions and has different underlying causes of their occurrence. Arthritis affects musculoskeletal system and specifically joints, it restricts the movement of the joints, can reduce the range of movement, it can also cause pain every time joint is moved, numbness and softness in the joints. It is one of the major reasons of disability amongst elderly people above age of 55 years.
There are many causes of arthritis some have been identified while medical experts believe that there can be few more reasons contributing to it. Genetics is considered as a possible reason for arthritis though no confirm proof of it is available yet. Genetic variation occurring due to migration or natural evolution process of human beings and their response to changing environment and life style is considered as possible reason for arthritis.
Age is a natural cause of arthritis as with growing age the synovial fluid between the joints gets reduced which can cause wear and tear of the cartilages. Even muscles and ligaments get rigid and loose elasticity with the growing age which can cause misalignment of joints to promote arthritis. It has been noted that people putting extra pressure on a particular body part like people doing sitting job put extra pressure on their lower back are prone to face arthritic conditions sooner than others. Obesity or excess fat mass in the body also exerts extra pressure on the bones and can cause reduction in the elasticity of muscles causing arthritic condition.
Injuries to the joints or to the bones as well as muscular injuries can also cause arthritis. Joints are held in position by ligaments and if there is any past injury which has damaged ligaments can misalign the joints, muscles help in moving the joints by contracting and expanding and any injury to them also restrict the movement or cause pain while moving the joint to promote arthritis. Sportspersons have been found to develop arthritis due to this reason as they are prone to muscular injuries while playing the sport or doing strenuous exercises.
Bacteria, fungi or virus which travels in the bloodstream can also cause arthritis by infecting synovial fluid and cartilages. However this condition is rare but people having an arthritic condition are prone to such infectious arthritis if they catch any infection whose virus, bacteria or fungi can travel in the bloodstream. Viral hepatitis is an auto immune disorder in which immune system starts attacking the healthy tissues of the body, spread of this disease cause arthritis. Lyme disease caused by the bite of a tick also causes arthritis. Lupus is another disease which causes arthritis if not treated properly and allowed to grow, in some cases it can even cause life threatening infections in the joints and muscles.
Occupational hazards also cause arthritis, people working in particular work routine where they exert pressure on particular joint or area of the body like people in sitting jobs can also develop arthritis, multiple fractures to the bones also disrupt the normal functioning of joints to cause arthritis.
Read about Arthritis Joint Pain Relief supplements. Read useful Home Remedies for Lumbago.
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