Upper back pain is also referred as thoracic pain which is felt in the area between bottom of the neck and low back. Upper body of human beings forms a thoracic cage round heart, lungs and liver. This is a sturdy structure attached with the ribs to protect delicate internal organs.
Upper back comprised of bones, muscles, ligaments and tendons to support the body in balancing head movement and maintaining overall balance of the body while doing simple activities like walking and changing postures. The upper back of human body contains seven vertebra which are separated by intervertebral discs to avoid them from rubbing each other and facilitate smooth and friction free movement. Upper back is the most rigid and strong part of the body with limited range of motion. Muscles, ligaments and tendons are soft part of the upper back which makes the limited movement of the upper back possible. Muscles are attached to the bones by tendons, and ligaments are strong bands of tissues which link the bones. Muscles provide all the power necessary for the movement. Combined function of all these three parts of upper back control hyperextend, hyperflex and twisting of the upper back.
Injuries, infections and overuse of muscles are the most common cause of upper back pain. Sprained muscles can cause pain during the movement as well as during resting position too as these muscles are active even when person is not making any physical movement. Ruptured or herniated disc in cervical spine is another cause of upper back pain which is commonly evident. The intervertebral disc in between two vertebra bulges out due to wear and tear and other reasons to hinder the movement and cause upper back pain.
Arthritis can also cause upper back pain particularly osteoarthritis as it can misalign the musculoskeletal system of cervical spine in upper back to cause pain. Pinched nerves, arteries and veins are other common reasons for upper back pain, in advent of such situation the pain radiates towards arms and shoulder and also causes cooling of arm. Osteoporosis can cause pain in any part of the body as it promotes loss of bone density, its effects can cause upper back pain too. Muscle spasms are rarely seen but they can also be a cause of upper back pain, these spasms are involuntary and uncontrollable and can strain the muscles to cause pain. Fibromyalgia is another disease which can promote upper back pain.
Herbs and herbal remedies are extremely safe and easy to treat upper back pain caused by any reason. Chamomile tea is excellent muscle relaxant to relieve pain and initiate movement. Burdock roots and bromelain has been used since ancient times for alleviating lower and upper back pain. Massages of eucalyptus oil can relieve the pain immediately, massage with warm mustard seed extract is also a good herbal remedy for back pain. Cayenne pepper has pain inhibiting properties and is popularly used as topical application for pain relief. Application of apple cider vinegar before going to bed is also extremely helpful in treating upper back pain.
Read about effective Joint Pain Relief supplements. Find how Joint Pain Massage Oil helps to reduce inflammation and pain.
Sunday, October 10, 2010
Muscle Joint Pain Ayurvedic Herbal Remedies and Alternative Treatments
Joint pain may occur due to muscle fatigue and strains. Muscles are responsible for joints to move, the two bones of joint are extended and bend by the contraction and expansion of muscles. Due to any injury, over use, or infection muscles may get swollen or infected which causes pain in the joint.
Muscle sprains cause temporary joint pains in the weight bearing joints and it is a very common problem. Weight bearing joints of the body bear chunk of weight and muscles need extra energy and strength to keep them moving. This makes them prone to exhaustion and sprains which causes joint pain. Massages to the affected joints by anti-inflammatory Rumatone Gold oil can alleviate the situation. Sometimes swelling around the joint is noticed with pain during the movement. Covering the joint with towel soaked in hot water helps in promoting blood flow to the area which can relieve the aching muscle to reduce pain and inflammation.
In osteoarthritis cartilage damage allows the bones of the joint to rub each other which causes severe joint pain during the movement, this damage to the joint changes the joint configuration for worst and muscles attached to the joints get swollen and painful to further aggravate the pain. In rheumatoid arthritis the tissues of muscles are attacked by the immune system of the body which can make them painful, swollen and weak. Such muscles are unable to move the joints and cause pain. Use of herbs which are helpful in relieving pain and inflammation along with massages and exercises can alleviate the pain. Herbs like Ashwagandha, nettle leaf, devil’s claw and boswellia have been used since ages for pain relief in joint and muscles due to arthritis.
Reasons for gout arthritis is deposition of urate crystals in the tissues, tendons, muscles and ligaments which later cause infection in the synovial fluid to promote problems in the mobility of the joints. Tissues of the muscles get weak and prone to infection after deposition of urate crystals which come with blood. Tendonitis is a disease related to tendons which makes tendons swell. These swelled tendons can exert extra pressure on the muscles to promote joint pain and inflammation. Weakening of muscles due to any other infection, disease or disorder not directly linked with joint can also promote joint pain. Weak muscles get exhausted with minimum physical activity and cause joint pain, such pains can subside by treating the bigger problem. Such problems are hyper and hypothyroidism, diabetes, bursitis, fibromyalgia etc.
Any injury or trauma which has damaged a part of musculoskeletal system like nerve damage or multiple fractures can also initiate pain in muscles or joint. With the initial symptoms of swollen joints it shall be treated and if general treatments like massages and pain killing herbs and ointment are not working medical opinion shall be taken. Light exercises like yoga, aerobics and exercises in water pool helps a lot in pain relief and reduction of inflammation. These also increase endurance of joints and muscles which augurs well for smooth and pain free movement. Strenuous exercises shall be avoided during inflammation.
Read about effective Joint Pain Relief supplements. Also know useful Home Remedies for Joint Pain.
Muscle sprains cause temporary joint pains in the weight bearing joints and it is a very common problem. Weight bearing joints of the body bear chunk of weight and muscles need extra energy and strength to keep them moving. This makes them prone to exhaustion and sprains which causes joint pain. Massages to the affected joints by anti-inflammatory Rumatone Gold oil can alleviate the situation. Sometimes swelling around the joint is noticed with pain during the movement. Covering the joint with towel soaked in hot water helps in promoting blood flow to the area which can relieve the aching muscle to reduce pain and inflammation.
In osteoarthritis cartilage damage allows the bones of the joint to rub each other which causes severe joint pain during the movement, this damage to the joint changes the joint configuration for worst and muscles attached to the joints get swollen and painful to further aggravate the pain. In rheumatoid arthritis the tissues of muscles are attacked by the immune system of the body which can make them painful, swollen and weak. Such muscles are unable to move the joints and cause pain. Use of herbs which are helpful in relieving pain and inflammation along with massages and exercises can alleviate the pain. Herbs like Ashwagandha, nettle leaf, devil’s claw and boswellia have been used since ages for pain relief in joint and muscles due to arthritis.
Reasons for gout arthritis is deposition of urate crystals in the tissues, tendons, muscles and ligaments which later cause infection in the synovial fluid to promote problems in the mobility of the joints. Tissues of the muscles get weak and prone to infection after deposition of urate crystals which come with blood. Tendonitis is a disease related to tendons which makes tendons swell. These swelled tendons can exert extra pressure on the muscles to promote joint pain and inflammation. Weakening of muscles due to any other infection, disease or disorder not directly linked with joint can also promote joint pain. Weak muscles get exhausted with minimum physical activity and cause joint pain, such pains can subside by treating the bigger problem. Such problems are hyper and hypothyroidism, diabetes, bursitis, fibromyalgia etc.
Any injury or trauma which has damaged a part of musculoskeletal system like nerve damage or multiple fractures can also initiate pain in muscles or joint. With the initial symptoms of swollen joints it shall be treated and if general treatments like massages and pain killing herbs and ointment are not working medical opinion shall be taken. Light exercises like yoga, aerobics and exercises in water pool helps a lot in pain relief and reduction of inflammation. These also increase endurance of joints and muscles which augurs well for smooth and pain free movement. Strenuous exercises shall be avoided during inflammation.
Read about effective Joint Pain Relief supplements. Also know useful Home Remedies for Joint Pain.
Saturday, October 9, 2010
Low Back Pain Ayurvedic Herbal Remedies, Causes and Symptoms
Low back pain or pain in lumbar region affects nearly 80% of people once or many times in their lives. It is a pain caused due to musculoskeletal disorder and can cause acute, sub-acute or chronic pain. The low back is the area that supports most of the body weight of a human body, this structure makes all the movements of the body possible and provides flexibility to the body.
The low back area is made up of five vertebrae and between them are inter-vertebral discs which act as a cushion and also prevent the vertebrae to rub each other. These inter-vertebral discs also protect sciatica nerve which off shoots from the lumbar region. This whole structure is supported and held together by muscles and ligaments and muscles make the movement of the low back possible.
As it is evident that low back is the area which bears most of the weight of the body and is involved in most of the movements made by the body in day to day activities, this makes it prone to wear and tear and also to injuries. Any injury to the muscles or ligaments can cause pain in the low back. With the growing age the low back area can have diminished or shrunk inter-vertebral discs which make the vertebra or facet joints rub each other causing pain and stiffness in the lower back area. With the age ligaments and muscles also loose the strength and elasticity which can make vertebra move more than they should, hindering the functioning and causing pain in the low back. Spinal stenosis, pinched sciatica nerve, osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, gout arthritis, herniated spinal disc are some other problems which lead to chronic low back pain and need special treatment and attention for alleviation.
The initial symptoms of low back pain is mild pain in the low back area which may radiate down on the front side or back of the leg or may remain confined to the low back area. This pain increases with the movement like walking or standing and sometimes it may get aggravated at night while in resting position or in prolonged sitting position. Inability to standup on the toes or inability to raise big toe upwards signifies irritation of certain nerves. Numbness or tender points or lack of blood supply to any leg during sitting position also suggest low back pain.
NSAID, herbs for controlling pain and inflammation, creams, massages, therapies and exercises are helpful in treating low back pain. In the case of chronic pain due to arthritis or herniated disc, massages and exercises are recommended along with pain killing medicines. Since side effect of NSAID are not yet known completely so herbal treatment for pain control is recommended. Rumatone Gold capsules and oil is very good ayurvedic remedy in lowering back pain. Light exercises, weight control and healthy life style are helpful in preventing episodes of low back pain. Yoga poses and exercises are also extremely helpful in curing and avoiding the pain in low back area by keeping the weight under control and functioning of the joints smooth and proper.
Read about effective Joint Pain Relief supplements. Find how Joint Pain Massage Oil helps to reduce inflammation and pain.
The low back area is made up of five vertebrae and between them are inter-vertebral discs which act as a cushion and also prevent the vertebrae to rub each other. These inter-vertebral discs also protect sciatica nerve which off shoots from the lumbar region. This whole structure is supported and held together by muscles and ligaments and muscles make the movement of the low back possible.
As it is evident that low back is the area which bears most of the weight of the body and is involved in most of the movements made by the body in day to day activities, this makes it prone to wear and tear and also to injuries. Any injury to the muscles or ligaments can cause pain in the low back. With the growing age the low back area can have diminished or shrunk inter-vertebral discs which make the vertebra or facet joints rub each other causing pain and stiffness in the lower back area. With the age ligaments and muscles also loose the strength and elasticity which can make vertebra move more than they should, hindering the functioning and causing pain in the low back. Spinal stenosis, pinched sciatica nerve, osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, gout arthritis, herniated spinal disc are some other problems which lead to chronic low back pain and need special treatment and attention for alleviation.
The initial symptoms of low back pain is mild pain in the low back area which may radiate down on the front side or back of the leg or may remain confined to the low back area. This pain increases with the movement like walking or standing and sometimes it may get aggravated at night while in resting position or in prolonged sitting position. Inability to standup on the toes or inability to raise big toe upwards signifies irritation of certain nerves. Numbness or tender points or lack of blood supply to any leg during sitting position also suggest low back pain.
NSAID, herbs for controlling pain and inflammation, creams, massages, therapies and exercises are helpful in treating low back pain. In the case of chronic pain due to arthritis or herniated disc, massages and exercises are recommended along with pain killing medicines. Since side effect of NSAID are not yet known completely so herbal treatment for pain control is recommended. Rumatone Gold capsules and oil is very good ayurvedic remedy in lowering back pain. Light exercises, weight control and healthy life style are helpful in preventing episodes of low back pain. Yoga poses and exercises are also extremely helpful in curing and avoiding the pain in low back area by keeping the weight under control and functioning of the joints smooth and proper.
Read about effective Joint Pain Relief supplements. Find how Joint Pain Massage Oil helps to reduce inflammation and pain.
Knee Joint Pain Causes and Treatment - Information That You Should Know
Knee joint is the junction of two large bones of leg in which pain can be caused due to many reasons. The exact location of the pain helps medical experts to diagnose the problem better and quickly for treatment. Like any other joint of the body knee too is prone to the injuries, infections and disorders, in fact in older people complaints for knee pain is more common than compared to any other joint of the body.
The knee joint is formed by two bones femur and tibia supported by four ligaments and a patella also popularly known as knee cap. This whole joint is covered by synovium and is filled with synovial fluid which provides nourishment to the cartilages and keeps them elastic. Synovial fluid inside synovium also keeps cartilages smooth and slippery to ensure friction free and pain free movement of the knee joint. The knee joint joins thigh and shin bones to make normal activity like walking possible. This joint can bend up to 135 degrees and extend to 0 degrees. The knee joint is a weight bearing joint and complex in design which makes it most commonly injured joint of the body.
Injuries can promote pain in the knee joint. Any traumatic event can cause damage to ligaments attached to the knee joint. As knee has four ligaments attached to it exact area of pain can help the doctor to find out the particular ligament that has been damaged. Pain occurs when weight is transferred on the joint. Swelling of tendons also referred as tendinitis or jumper's knee, injuries caused to meniscus by sharp and quick movements can cause mild to severe pain in the knee joint. The pain due to tearing of meniscus is felt with a popping sensation and locking or feeling of unstable knee. Swelling of tendons causes pain below the knee cap or at the back of the knee joint. All of these knee joint pains may also occur due to old age or overuse of the knee joint like in sports and other activities.
Osteoarthritis and rheumatic arthritis are other common causes of knee joint pain. Osteoarthritis causes damage to cartilages which eventually exposes ends of the bones to rub each other to cause severe pain and inflammation and also can cause complete immobility of the joint. Rheumatic arthritis makes immunity system attack its own healthy tissues which causes damage to the tissues present in the knee joint causing inflammation, redness, pain and infection in the synovial fluid. Arthritis also promotes secretion of fluid in the joint which gets accumulated in the form of a cyst at the back of the knee joint also known as baker’s cyst.
Knee joint pain due to arthritis or any other disease, infection or disorder is treated along with the major problem while knee joint pain due to any injury can be treated by hot and cold compresses, massages with warm oil or pain relieving ointments and creams, light exercises like walking and cycling, yoga and aerobics. Knee replacement surgery is the last option medically available to treat a completely immobile and painful knee.
Read about effective Joint Pain Relief supplements. Find how Joint Pain Massage Oil helps to reduce inflammation and pain.
The knee joint is formed by two bones femur and tibia supported by four ligaments and a patella also popularly known as knee cap. This whole joint is covered by synovium and is filled with synovial fluid which provides nourishment to the cartilages and keeps them elastic. Synovial fluid inside synovium also keeps cartilages smooth and slippery to ensure friction free and pain free movement of the knee joint. The knee joint joins thigh and shin bones to make normal activity like walking possible. This joint can bend up to 135 degrees and extend to 0 degrees. The knee joint is a weight bearing joint and complex in design which makes it most commonly injured joint of the body.
Injuries can promote pain in the knee joint. Any traumatic event can cause damage to ligaments attached to the knee joint. As knee has four ligaments attached to it exact area of pain can help the doctor to find out the particular ligament that has been damaged. Pain occurs when weight is transferred on the joint. Swelling of tendons also referred as tendinitis or jumper's knee, injuries caused to meniscus by sharp and quick movements can cause mild to severe pain in the knee joint. The pain due to tearing of meniscus is felt with a popping sensation and locking or feeling of unstable knee. Swelling of tendons causes pain below the knee cap or at the back of the knee joint. All of these knee joint pains may also occur due to old age or overuse of the knee joint like in sports and other activities.
Osteoarthritis and rheumatic arthritis are other common causes of knee joint pain. Osteoarthritis causes damage to cartilages which eventually exposes ends of the bones to rub each other to cause severe pain and inflammation and also can cause complete immobility of the joint. Rheumatic arthritis makes immunity system attack its own healthy tissues which causes damage to the tissues present in the knee joint causing inflammation, redness, pain and infection in the synovial fluid. Arthritis also promotes secretion of fluid in the joint which gets accumulated in the form of a cyst at the back of the knee joint also known as baker’s cyst.
Knee joint pain due to arthritis or any other disease, infection or disorder is treated along with the major problem while knee joint pain due to any injury can be treated by hot and cold compresses, massages with warm oil or pain relieving ointments and creams, light exercises like walking and cycling, yoga and aerobics. Knee replacement surgery is the last option medically available to treat a completely immobile and painful knee.
Read about effective Joint Pain Relief supplements. Find how Joint Pain Massage Oil helps to reduce inflammation and pain.
Friday, October 8, 2010
Joint Pain Ayurvedic Treatments and Herbal Remedies
Joint pain can be due to relatively benign condition like muscle sprain or ligament injury which can subside by some simple treatment or on its own and it can be a symptom of serious disease like arthritis. Some other mild infections like flu and other viral infections can cause inflammation of bursae, which works as cushion pads for joints and known as bursitis, which can cause joint pain.
Joint pain which occurs after strenuous physical activity or repeated use of any particular joint or due to sudden jerk and shock is largely due to muscle pull and sprain. Such pains can be problematic too, massage with any over the counter pain relieving ointment or cream can be a sufficient treatment, if one feel pain in almost every joint of the body due to straining or sudden physical activity, taking a bath with warm water shall help. If there is some inflammation at any joint hot and cold packs can be applied. Hot water tubes and a pack of ice cubes shall be applied at the affected joint one after another, this will improve blood flow to the area and will control the pain and inflammation.
People who occasionally get involved in strenuous physical activity tend to develop the tendency of joint pain as their body is not used to of taking physical strain. Mix two parts of pure olive oil with one part of kerosene oil to form a paste. This paste can be used in the case of joint pain as and when required. It is safe and effective treatment for joint pain. Rumatone Gold oil is also an Ayurvedic non-prescription treatment for joint pain.
If there is swelling and redness on the joints along with the pain and particularly if the pain surfaces in the morning or after a period of inactivity it can be a symptom of arthritis. In such condition medical advice shall be taken but some alternate treatments can go along with the regular treatment for quicker relief. Mixture of camphor, methyl salicylate, eucalyptus oil and menthol can be applied and rubbed at the aching joints to relieve the pain. Application of hot apple cider vinegar at the joints before going to bed also provide relief from joint pain and inflammation.
Joint pain can be relieved by some supportive diet. Equal parts of carrot juice and lemon juice mixed and a large tablespoon of this mixture consumed everyday helps the body in relieving the joint pain. One clove of garlic consumed with water is also an effective treatment of joint pain. Consumption of carrot juice is also helpful in treating recurring joint pain.
Hot and cold water bath, TENS, therapies and exercises particularly of joints, helps in improving strength and endurance of the joints which eventually helps in relieving pain due to any reason. Mild exercises like aerobics, walking and jogging improve metabolism and blood circulation for better joint functioning. Yoga has few exercises and poses which can relieve the joint pain and also prevent its reoccurrence by strengthening the muscles and ligaments. Breathing exercises in yoga have been found helpful even in rheumatic arthritis conditions as they help the body in flushing the toxins out of the body.
Read about effective Joint Pain Relief supplements. Also know useful Home Remedies for Joint Pain.
Joint pain which occurs after strenuous physical activity or repeated use of any particular joint or due to sudden jerk and shock is largely due to muscle pull and sprain. Such pains can be problematic too, massage with any over the counter pain relieving ointment or cream can be a sufficient treatment, if one feel pain in almost every joint of the body due to straining or sudden physical activity, taking a bath with warm water shall help. If there is some inflammation at any joint hot and cold packs can be applied. Hot water tubes and a pack of ice cubes shall be applied at the affected joint one after another, this will improve blood flow to the area and will control the pain and inflammation.
People who occasionally get involved in strenuous physical activity tend to develop the tendency of joint pain as their body is not used to of taking physical strain. Mix two parts of pure olive oil with one part of kerosene oil to form a paste. This paste can be used in the case of joint pain as and when required. It is safe and effective treatment for joint pain. Rumatone Gold oil is also an Ayurvedic non-prescription treatment for joint pain.
If there is swelling and redness on the joints along with the pain and particularly if the pain surfaces in the morning or after a period of inactivity it can be a symptom of arthritis. In such condition medical advice shall be taken but some alternate treatments can go along with the regular treatment for quicker relief. Mixture of camphor, methyl salicylate, eucalyptus oil and menthol can be applied and rubbed at the aching joints to relieve the pain. Application of hot apple cider vinegar at the joints before going to bed also provide relief from joint pain and inflammation.
Joint pain can be relieved by some supportive diet. Equal parts of carrot juice and lemon juice mixed and a large tablespoon of this mixture consumed everyday helps the body in relieving the joint pain. One clove of garlic consumed with water is also an effective treatment of joint pain. Consumption of carrot juice is also helpful in treating recurring joint pain.
Hot and cold water bath, TENS, therapies and exercises particularly of joints, helps in improving strength and endurance of the joints which eventually helps in relieving pain due to any reason. Mild exercises like aerobics, walking and jogging improve metabolism and blood circulation for better joint functioning. Yoga has few exercises and poses which can relieve the joint pain and also prevent its reoccurrence by strengthening the muscles and ligaments. Breathing exercises in yoga have been found helpful even in rheumatic arthritis conditions as they help the body in flushing the toxins out of the body.
Read about effective Joint Pain Relief supplements. Also know useful Home Remedies for Joint Pain.
Joint Pain Symptoms - Information That You Need to Know
Joint pain is a symptom itself for many serious and moderate infections and diseases. But sometimes this pain is a problem in itself and does not signify any underlying medical problem. Joint pain without any underlying cause or with it, can be very troublesome and irritating as it reduces the movements and efficiency of the person. Joint pain in any weight bearing joint can even restrict the person to bed.
Sometimes pain, swelling, sprain and straining of muscles which are not attached to any joint can make one feel joint pain. Such pains are not joint pains as they are not related to joint it is just the restriction caused by the strained muscle which makes one feel the pain in the joint. Joint pain are caused by hindrance in the normal functioning of joints which can be caused by infection, muscle or ligament rupture, cartilage damage and lack of synovial fluid.
If one feels pain in any one or more joints after getting out of bed in the morning or after a period of inactivity, it is a symptom of joint pain. Such pain either subsides on its own or after some movement. If one feels lack of strength in the joints like it becomes difficult to hold a cup of coffee without keeping it down or getting up form sitting position or to squat is a symptom of joint pain. The lack of strength in the joints occur due to muscles attached to the joint and responsible for its movement get weak, this weakness in the muscles disturb the normal movement of the joint and makes ligaments lax to promote joint pain later. Other condition caused due to muscle weakness is reduced range of motion. The joint does not allow the movement in the range as it used to be in past like bending down or lifting things lying on the ground become more and more difficult. Reduced range of motion is also a symptom of arthritic joint pain.
Stiffness in the joint after even a mild physical activity like climbing few ladders or walking, is also a symptom of joint pain. This symptom can be due to weak ligaments or muscles and even due to lack of elasticity in the cartilages. These symptoms also indicate presence of serious disorder or infection in the body which will promote joint pain and inflammation in later stages.
Redness around joints can be due to some skin infection too which may not be a symptom of joint pain but if it is present at more than two or three joints than it indicates for an infection either in the synovial fluid or lining of the joint or in the tissues of the joints. This condition is also a primary symptom of joint pain due to gout arthritis, redness occurs when infection or crystals of urate are attacked by the body's immunity system. Development of tender points at the joints is also a symptom of joint pain. These tender points sometimes are not painful at the initial stage but they are sensitive and may cause pain if pressed or touched. Awkward growths at the joints which may be hard or soft in texture suggest possibility of joint pain in near future.
Read about effective Joint Pain Relief supplements. Find how Joint Pain Massage Oil helps to reduce inflammation and pain.
Sometimes pain, swelling, sprain and straining of muscles which are not attached to any joint can make one feel joint pain. Such pains are not joint pains as they are not related to joint it is just the restriction caused by the strained muscle which makes one feel the pain in the joint. Joint pain are caused by hindrance in the normal functioning of joints which can be caused by infection, muscle or ligament rupture, cartilage damage and lack of synovial fluid.
If one feels pain in any one or more joints after getting out of bed in the morning or after a period of inactivity, it is a symptom of joint pain. Such pain either subsides on its own or after some movement. If one feels lack of strength in the joints like it becomes difficult to hold a cup of coffee without keeping it down or getting up form sitting position or to squat is a symptom of joint pain. The lack of strength in the joints occur due to muscles attached to the joint and responsible for its movement get weak, this weakness in the muscles disturb the normal movement of the joint and makes ligaments lax to promote joint pain later. Other condition caused due to muscle weakness is reduced range of motion. The joint does not allow the movement in the range as it used to be in past like bending down or lifting things lying on the ground become more and more difficult. Reduced range of motion is also a symptom of arthritic joint pain.
Stiffness in the joint after even a mild physical activity like climbing few ladders or walking, is also a symptom of joint pain. This symptom can be due to weak ligaments or muscles and even due to lack of elasticity in the cartilages. These symptoms also indicate presence of serious disorder or infection in the body which will promote joint pain and inflammation in later stages.
Redness around joints can be due to some skin infection too which may not be a symptom of joint pain but if it is present at more than two or three joints than it indicates for an infection either in the synovial fluid or lining of the joint or in the tissues of the joints. This condition is also a primary symptom of joint pain due to gout arthritis, redness occurs when infection or crystals of urate are attacked by the body's immunity system. Development of tender points at the joints is also a symptom of joint pain. These tender points sometimes are not painful at the initial stage but they are sensitive and may cause pain if pressed or touched. Awkward growths at the joints which may be hard or soft in texture suggest possibility of joint pain in near future.
Read about effective Joint Pain Relief supplements. Find how Joint Pain Massage Oil helps to reduce inflammation and pain.
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Reduce Joint Pain Stiffness with Herbal Remedies
Joint pain and stiffness look closely associated with each other in the case of joint discomfort but sometimes one is a symptom of another and sometimes both of these conditions occur almost simultaneously. Joint pain occurring either due to relatively moderate reasons like muscles sprains or due to serious medical conditions like arthritis is accompanied by stiffness immediately or later.
Join pain signifies malfunctioning of the joint due to muscle sprains, injury to ligaments, infections, inflammation and cartilage damage. These conditions promote stiffness while moving the joint as the smooth and friction free movements of bones, muscles, tendons and ligament get obstructed. In the case of osteoarthritis stiffness has been noted to appear prior to the pain, particularly in the morning when person is getting out of bed or after a period of inactivity, which goes away after sometime and with the movement. Later mild to severe pain is experienced while moving the joint. In case of rheumatic arthritis, pain is experienced prior to stiffness and stiffness signifies the progression of the disease.
Stiffness either due to arthritic conditions or due to infections and injury suggest the damage caused to the normal functioning of the joint. Ligaments hold two bones of joint at a proper place and if any trauma has caused some swelling to ligaments the position of bones may get disturbed to cause pain and stiffness. Muscles move the joints and if not contracting or expanding properly may cause pain while moving the joint. Person suffering from osteoarthritis have brittle cartilages, this condition disallow the smooth movement of bones and severe pain is caused when the joint is moved along with stiffness. Rheumatic conditions can infect the tissues of the joint, synovial fluid present between the bones and other parts of joint to cause stiffness and joint pain. With the progression of rheumatic conditions the stiffness also progresses and can lead to complete immovability of the joint.
Massages, herbs, dietary supplements and exercises can treat and cure stiffness of the joints. Though if stiffness is due to any underlying medical condition use of all of these methods or anyone shall be in accordance with the main treatment of the medical condition but in case of benign conditions any of these methods can surely alleviate the problem. Massages can improve blood flow to the affected area which oxygenates the tissues and muscles improving them in strength and endurance. Exercises keep all the related parts and the joint itself in proper shape. While herbs and dietary supplements can help the body in withering infections and controlling the damages caused to the joints, causing stiffness and pain.
Besides all of these condition old age, obesity and lethargic life style also contribute in causing and promoting joint pain and stiffness. Extra pressure exerted on the bones due to excess fat is transferred to joints which increases wear and tear of cartilage promoting pain and stiffness. Degradation of joints due to age is a natural process and cause stiffness which can be delayed or slowed down with proper and light joint exercises.
Read about effective Joint Pain Relief supplements. Also know useful Home Remedies for Joint Pain.
Join pain signifies malfunctioning of the joint due to muscle sprains, injury to ligaments, infections, inflammation and cartilage damage. These conditions promote stiffness while moving the joint as the smooth and friction free movements of bones, muscles, tendons and ligament get obstructed. In the case of osteoarthritis stiffness has been noted to appear prior to the pain, particularly in the morning when person is getting out of bed or after a period of inactivity, which goes away after sometime and with the movement. Later mild to severe pain is experienced while moving the joint. In case of rheumatic arthritis, pain is experienced prior to stiffness and stiffness signifies the progression of the disease.
Stiffness either due to arthritic conditions or due to infections and injury suggest the damage caused to the normal functioning of the joint. Ligaments hold two bones of joint at a proper place and if any trauma has caused some swelling to ligaments the position of bones may get disturbed to cause pain and stiffness. Muscles move the joints and if not contracting or expanding properly may cause pain while moving the joint. Person suffering from osteoarthritis have brittle cartilages, this condition disallow the smooth movement of bones and severe pain is caused when the joint is moved along with stiffness. Rheumatic conditions can infect the tissues of the joint, synovial fluid present between the bones and other parts of joint to cause stiffness and joint pain. With the progression of rheumatic conditions the stiffness also progresses and can lead to complete immovability of the joint.
Massages, herbs, dietary supplements and exercises can treat and cure stiffness of the joints. Though if stiffness is due to any underlying medical condition use of all of these methods or anyone shall be in accordance with the main treatment of the medical condition but in case of benign conditions any of these methods can surely alleviate the problem. Massages can improve blood flow to the affected area which oxygenates the tissues and muscles improving them in strength and endurance. Exercises keep all the related parts and the joint itself in proper shape. While herbs and dietary supplements can help the body in withering infections and controlling the damages caused to the joints, causing stiffness and pain.
Besides all of these condition old age, obesity and lethargic life style also contribute in causing and promoting joint pain and stiffness. Extra pressure exerted on the bones due to excess fat is transferred to joints which increases wear and tear of cartilage promoting pain and stiffness. Degradation of joints due to age is a natural process and cause stiffness which can be delayed or slowed down with proper and light joint exercises.
Read about effective Joint Pain Relief supplements. Also know useful Home Remedies for Joint Pain.
Joint Pain Herbal Remedies and Treatments for Permanent Relief
Since use of NSAID and other medicines for long period may be harmful for over all health due to their side effects, remedies for joint pain by using herbs, exercises, massages and therapies are more prevalent these days. Joint pain sometimes subsides in one or two days when caused due to relatively benign conditions but it takes much more time when it is due to any serious injury, disease or infection. Joint pains are of two types acute and chronic, acute joint pain is sharp and occurs for short duration and with a specific reason. Whereas chronic pain can be mild to severe and may continue for longer duration sometimes even for a lifetime, in few cases it is not possible to detect the exact reason for chronic joint pain.
Herbs have proven to be an effective joint pain remedies, some herbs are meant for oral consumption while few are for topical use, using anyway, these have no side effects and can go along with allopathic treatments. However dosage shall be worked out in expert’s guidance as few of these herbs are very strong. Ashwagandha or withania somnifera or winter cherry is a natural pain reliever and very good herbal supplement for overall health. This herb has been used in Ayurveda since ancient times to improve vigor, strength and stamina. Boswellia serrata is a magical herb for joint pain due to rheumatic arthritis, this herb has proven properties for suppressing pain and inflammation by inhibiting the secretion of hormones and chemicals associated with pain and inflammation and also it helps the body in rebuilding the damaged cartilages.
Apple cider vinegar is an excellent herbal remedy for joint pain when applied warm on aching joints before going to bed provides immense relief. Ginger is also an effective remedy for joint pain as it has anti-oxidant properties. Another simple remedy for joint pain can be prepared by drying and mashing two egg plants and later baking it in two teaspoons of castor oil and with cumin seeds, garlic, coriander, turmeric and salt. This preparation consumed once in a day relieves joint pain.
Application of hot and cold packs on the aching joints is a simple and easy remedy for joint pain. Hot water bath or Epsom salt tub bath also helps in relieving all sorts of pain in the body. Heating the joints with a piece of towel soaked in warm water also helps. Exercising in a pool of water like done in hydrotherapy improve endurance of joints as water takes some pressure off the joints and while moving them provide just right kind of resistance for an excellent workout.
Yoga provides many poses and exercises for preventing and curing joint pain. Yoga poses like tada asana, pavanmukta asana, bhujang asana, makar asana etc are very helpful in improving joint functioning and works as good remedy for pain. Topical application of cayenne cream available as over the counter medicine is very helpful due to its effects as that of NSAID. This cream inhibits the signals of pain to the brain which helps in moving the joint easily.
Read about effective Joint Pain Relief supplements. Find how Joint Pain Massage Oil helps to reduce inflammation and pain.
Herbs have proven to be an effective joint pain remedies, some herbs are meant for oral consumption while few are for topical use, using anyway, these have no side effects and can go along with allopathic treatments. However dosage shall be worked out in expert’s guidance as few of these herbs are very strong. Ashwagandha or withania somnifera or winter cherry is a natural pain reliever and very good herbal supplement for overall health. This herb has been used in Ayurveda since ancient times to improve vigor, strength and stamina. Boswellia serrata is a magical herb for joint pain due to rheumatic arthritis, this herb has proven properties for suppressing pain and inflammation by inhibiting the secretion of hormones and chemicals associated with pain and inflammation and also it helps the body in rebuilding the damaged cartilages.
Apple cider vinegar is an excellent herbal remedy for joint pain when applied warm on aching joints before going to bed provides immense relief. Ginger is also an effective remedy for joint pain as it has anti-oxidant properties. Another simple remedy for joint pain can be prepared by drying and mashing two egg plants and later baking it in two teaspoons of castor oil and with cumin seeds, garlic, coriander, turmeric and salt. This preparation consumed once in a day relieves joint pain.
Application of hot and cold packs on the aching joints is a simple and easy remedy for joint pain. Hot water bath or Epsom salt tub bath also helps in relieving all sorts of pain in the body. Heating the joints with a piece of towel soaked in warm water also helps. Exercising in a pool of water like done in hydrotherapy improve endurance of joints as water takes some pressure off the joints and while moving them provide just right kind of resistance for an excellent workout.
Yoga provides many poses and exercises for preventing and curing joint pain. Yoga poses like tada asana, pavanmukta asana, bhujang asana, makar asana etc are very helpful in improving joint functioning and works as good remedy for pain. Topical application of cayenne cream available as over the counter medicine is very helpful due to its effects as that of NSAID. This cream inhibits the signals of pain to the brain which helps in moving the joint easily.
Read about effective Joint Pain Relief supplements. Find how Joint Pain Massage Oil helps to reduce inflammation and pain.
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Joint Pain Relief Natural Remedies That You Can Try At Your Home
Joint pain can be caused by many conditions mild to serious but whatever may be the reason the pain can hinder normal day to day activities if not relieved. There are over the counter pain killing medicines for relieving the pain but these may have some side effects whereas over the counter ointment and creams for pain relief are safer to use.
Joint pain caused due to muscle strain or sprain can be cured by application of pain relieving creams and gels or massage by warm mustard oil. The pain relieving ointments contain ingredient which can break in to the skin and provide warmth and promote blood circulation to help muscles recover from exhaustion while massage with ordinary warm oil too promotes blood flow for similar effects.
For reoccurring joint pain there are many alternate remedies which can be helpful in relieving it and also to reduce its frequency. Consumption of ashwagandha or withania somnifera is very useful in relieving all sorts of pain as it is a natural pain reliever. It is also capable of relieving pain caused due to rheumatic conditions and improves strength and fitness. Ginger has amazing properties of inhibiting secretion of certain hormones which are associated with pain and inflammation, this property of it makes it helpful in relieving reoccurring joint pain too. Consuming a table spoon of a mixture made by mixing equal parts of lemon juice and carrot juice in the morning on an empty stomach also helps the body in relieving joint pain.
For immediate relief one can make a rubbing mixture of eucalyptus oil, methyl salicylate, camphor and menthol, this mixture can be rubbed on the aching joints for quick relief. Warm apple cider vinegar is also an instant relief remedy for joint pain, for some people having sensitive skin the application of vinegar can be irritating, in such cases it can be diluted with water before heating. Another useful joint pain relieving remedy can be made by mixing two parts of olive oil and one part of kerosene oil to form a paste, rubbing this mixture on aching joints can bring instant relief. Massage of the aching joints by warm mixture of camphor oil and sunflower oil also helps. Warm olive oil massage is also helpful in providing immediate relief from joint pain.
Hot and cold compresses can also bring quick relief by improving blood flow and relaxing the muscles and ligaments of the joints. Hot water bath also relieves all sorts of pain in the body. Light exercises like aerobics, swimming, jogging and walking can also be helpful in relieving joint pain by improving their strength and endurance. Yoga poses like 'gomukhasana' is very helpful in relieving joint pain. Breathing exercises in yoga can improve the functioning of cardio-vascular system and oxygenation of the whole body which is helpful in treating all sorts of pain and disorders of the body. Hydrotherapy, TENS and mobilization therapy are also useful methods of relieving joint pain if the pain is persistent and progressive, normally such pains occur due to underlying medical condition like arthritis.
Read about effective Joint Pain Relief supplements. Also know useful Home Remedies for Joint Pain.
Joint pain caused due to muscle strain or sprain can be cured by application of pain relieving creams and gels or massage by warm mustard oil. The pain relieving ointments contain ingredient which can break in to the skin and provide warmth and promote blood circulation to help muscles recover from exhaustion while massage with ordinary warm oil too promotes blood flow for similar effects.
For reoccurring joint pain there are many alternate remedies which can be helpful in relieving it and also to reduce its frequency. Consumption of ashwagandha or withania somnifera is very useful in relieving all sorts of pain as it is a natural pain reliever. It is also capable of relieving pain caused due to rheumatic conditions and improves strength and fitness. Ginger has amazing properties of inhibiting secretion of certain hormones which are associated with pain and inflammation, this property of it makes it helpful in relieving reoccurring joint pain too. Consuming a table spoon of a mixture made by mixing equal parts of lemon juice and carrot juice in the morning on an empty stomach also helps the body in relieving joint pain.
For immediate relief one can make a rubbing mixture of eucalyptus oil, methyl salicylate, camphor and menthol, this mixture can be rubbed on the aching joints for quick relief. Warm apple cider vinegar is also an instant relief remedy for joint pain, for some people having sensitive skin the application of vinegar can be irritating, in such cases it can be diluted with water before heating. Another useful joint pain relieving remedy can be made by mixing two parts of olive oil and one part of kerosene oil to form a paste, rubbing this mixture on aching joints can bring instant relief. Massage of the aching joints by warm mixture of camphor oil and sunflower oil also helps. Warm olive oil massage is also helpful in providing immediate relief from joint pain.
Hot and cold compresses can also bring quick relief by improving blood flow and relaxing the muscles and ligaments of the joints. Hot water bath also relieves all sorts of pain in the body. Light exercises like aerobics, swimming, jogging and walking can also be helpful in relieving joint pain by improving their strength and endurance. Yoga poses like 'gomukhasana' is very helpful in relieving joint pain. Breathing exercises in yoga can improve the functioning of cardio-vascular system and oxygenation of the whole body which is helpful in treating all sorts of pain and disorders of the body. Hydrotherapy, TENS and mobilization therapy are also useful methods of relieving joint pain if the pain is persistent and progressive, normally such pains occur due to underlying medical condition like arthritis.
Read about effective Joint Pain Relief supplements. Also know useful Home Remedies for Joint Pain.
Joint Pain Causes and Symptoms - Information That You Should Know
Joint pain can be caused by many reasons from moderate to serious. Joint pain can be a symptom of serious disease or disorder growing in the body and can happen due to relatively benign condition like joint or muscle sprain. Joint pain can be due to variety of reasons such as malignancy, trauma, infections, auto-immune disorders and other abnormal processes in the body.
Joint is a point where two bones meet. The ends of these bones are covered by the cartilages and the bones are held at a proper place by the ligaments and tendons. There is little space between the two bones in which synovial fluid is present which nourishes the cartilages and maintain their elasticity. Joint movement happens when muscles attached to these bones contract or expand. Cartilages and synovial fluid stop these bones from rubbing together and also work as shock absorbers. This is a delicate composition and any deviation due to injury, infection, swelling or other problems to any involved part can cause joint pain.
Some simple reasons for joint pain are over use of any particular joint, lifting heavy weight or sudden or jerky movement, any of which can sprain the muscles or ligaments to cause pain in the joint. Such pain can go away by applying mild pain relieving ointments or on its own
Mild infections like flu and viral infections may also promote joint pain however most of the time these infections are not serious apart from some types of viral infections which cause hepatitis B as these virus can infect synovial fluid between the bones of the joint to damage cartilages and promote swelling, redness and inflammation. Some bacterial and fungal infections can also cause joint pain.
Apart from moderate reasons like sprain and injury to muscles or ligaments there are few other causes of joint pain which are not so moderate. Ankylosing spondilitis is one the reasons which promote joint pain. This problem affects spinal area and area close to tail bone but can affect joints to cause pain and inflammation. Aching muscles caused due to muscle weakness or other disorders also causes joint pain as movement of joint is controlled by muscles.
Arthritic conditions also promote joint pain, osteoarthritis and variety of conditions of rheumatoid arthritis can cause severe joint pain which may even restrict the movement of the joint and can be very debilitating. Some types of arthritic conditions caused by infections and auto-immune disorders can be life threatening. Arthritis caused due to any infection can infect the synovial fluid, can also cause cartilage damage and make ligaments lax. These conditions make the bones less protected during the movement to make joint immovable and cause unbearable pain.
Certain diseases can promote arthritic conditions which eventually cause joint pain. Fibromyalgia, Lyme disease, tendinitis, sickle cell disease are few such diseases. Gouty arthritis is one of the most frequently occurring diseases which also promote severe joint pain as crystals of uric acid flow in blood to damage the tissues of the joint.
Read about effective Joint Pain Relief supplements. Find how Joint Pain Massage Oil helps to reduce inflammation and pain.
Joint is a point where two bones meet. The ends of these bones are covered by the cartilages and the bones are held at a proper place by the ligaments and tendons. There is little space between the two bones in which synovial fluid is present which nourishes the cartilages and maintain their elasticity. Joint movement happens when muscles attached to these bones contract or expand. Cartilages and synovial fluid stop these bones from rubbing together and also work as shock absorbers. This is a delicate composition and any deviation due to injury, infection, swelling or other problems to any involved part can cause joint pain.
Some simple reasons for joint pain are over use of any particular joint, lifting heavy weight or sudden or jerky movement, any of which can sprain the muscles or ligaments to cause pain in the joint. Such pain can go away by applying mild pain relieving ointments or on its own
Mild infections like flu and viral infections may also promote joint pain however most of the time these infections are not serious apart from some types of viral infections which cause hepatitis B as these virus can infect synovial fluid between the bones of the joint to damage cartilages and promote swelling, redness and inflammation. Some bacterial and fungal infections can also cause joint pain.
Apart from moderate reasons like sprain and injury to muscles or ligaments there are few other causes of joint pain which are not so moderate. Ankylosing spondilitis is one the reasons which promote joint pain. This problem affects spinal area and area close to tail bone but can affect joints to cause pain and inflammation. Aching muscles caused due to muscle weakness or other disorders also causes joint pain as movement of joint is controlled by muscles.
Arthritic conditions also promote joint pain, osteoarthritis and variety of conditions of rheumatoid arthritis can cause severe joint pain which may even restrict the movement of the joint and can be very debilitating. Some types of arthritic conditions caused by infections and auto-immune disorders can be life threatening. Arthritis caused due to any infection can infect the synovial fluid, can also cause cartilage damage and make ligaments lax. These conditions make the bones less protected during the movement to make joint immovable and cause unbearable pain.
Certain diseases can promote arthritic conditions which eventually cause joint pain. Fibromyalgia, Lyme disease, tendinitis, sickle cell disease are few such diseases. Gouty arthritis is one of the most frequently occurring diseases which also promote severe joint pain as crystals of uric acid flow in blood to damage the tissues of the joint.
Read about effective Joint Pain Relief supplements. Find how Joint Pain Massage Oil helps to reduce inflammation and pain.
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Reduce Hip Joint Pain and Inflammation With These Methods
Hip joint pain can arise from structures within the joint or structures surrounding the hip joint. It joins legs with torso of the body, the thigh bone femur swivels in the joint made up of pelvic bones, this structure is like a socket and contains space and very less fluid in it. This socket like structure is called acetabulum. Any injury or infection fills this space with fluid or blood which restricts the free movement of the head of the femur causing pain, stiffness, and even locking of the joint. Inflammation, swelling, redness and warmth are few symptoms of this pain.
Muscles and tendons are attached to hip joint which in concert enables the movement of the joint, apart from the movement, muscles also ensure joint stability. In the hip joint large brusaes are present which are sacs filled with fluid and these are attached to the intersections of muscles to help tendons and muscles glide smoothly and without friction. Thick band of tissues and sciatica nerve is also attached to the hip joint.
Any inflammation caused to the structures of the joint or to those which are attached to the joint can cause pain in the hip joint. Inflammation or damage to the muscles attached to the joint can create problems during the movement, inflamed tendons commonly due to tendinitis or swelling of brusaes due to trochanteric bursitis can also cause mild to severe joint pain in the hip. Osteonecrosis is also one of the most common reasons for hip joint pain which occurs when there is inadequate blood supply to any part of the skeletal structure of the joint. The other reasons for hip joint pain are muscle pulls, and fractures either directly of the bones involved in the joint or to the femur and stress fractures which occur due to over use of the joint particularly by athletes or sportspersons. Many types of arthritis can also cause hip pain as they can infect tissues and muscles and also damage the brusaes to avoid smooth movement of femur in the acetabulum and of muscles and tendons.
Inability to walk properly or reduced stride are very common and early symptoms of hip joint pain. Bending and getting up from sitting position require lot of effort and the joint pose resistance during such activities. Pain in the hip while lying and resting also suggests some problem to the joint. Pain accompanied by redness, fever or swelling at the joint signifies serious joint problem in the joint. People having strained or pinched sciatica nerve or suffering from herniated disc may not be having any problem in the hip joint but they might experience some pain due to these problems.
NSAID are recommended by the doctors along with the treatment to control pain and enable the patient to move the joint. Herbs like echnacea, ginseng, winter cherry and ginger are also helpful in controlling pain and inflammation. Massages and exercises are always helpful in reducing the frequency of the painful episodes. In case of complete immovability of the joint, hip replacement surgery is the last option.
Find how Joint Pain Massage Oil helps to reduce inflammation and pain. Also know useful Home Remedies for Knee Pain.
Muscles and tendons are attached to hip joint which in concert enables the movement of the joint, apart from the movement, muscles also ensure joint stability. In the hip joint large brusaes are present which are sacs filled with fluid and these are attached to the intersections of muscles to help tendons and muscles glide smoothly and without friction. Thick band of tissues and sciatica nerve is also attached to the hip joint.
Any inflammation caused to the structures of the joint or to those which are attached to the joint can cause pain in the hip joint. Inflammation or damage to the muscles attached to the joint can create problems during the movement, inflamed tendons commonly due to tendinitis or swelling of brusaes due to trochanteric bursitis can also cause mild to severe joint pain in the hip. Osteonecrosis is also one of the most common reasons for hip joint pain which occurs when there is inadequate blood supply to any part of the skeletal structure of the joint. The other reasons for hip joint pain are muscle pulls, and fractures either directly of the bones involved in the joint or to the femur and stress fractures which occur due to over use of the joint particularly by athletes or sportspersons. Many types of arthritis can also cause hip pain as they can infect tissues and muscles and also damage the brusaes to avoid smooth movement of femur in the acetabulum and of muscles and tendons.
Inability to walk properly or reduced stride are very common and early symptoms of hip joint pain. Bending and getting up from sitting position require lot of effort and the joint pose resistance during such activities. Pain in the hip while lying and resting also suggests some problem to the joint. Pain accompanied by redness, fever or swelling at the joint signifies serious joint problem in the joint. People having strained or pinched sciatica nerve or suffering from herniated disc may not be having any problem in the hip joint but they might experience some pain due to these problems.
NSAID are recommended by the doctors along with the treatment to control pain and enable the patient to move the joint. Herbs like echnacea, ginseng, winter cherry and ginger are also helpful in controlling pain and inflammation. Massages and exercises are always helpful in reducing the frequency of the painful episodes. In case of complete immovability of the joint, hip replacement surgery is the last option.
Find how Joint Pain Massage Oil helps to reduce inflammation and pain. Also know useful Home Remedies for Knee Pain.
Back Pain Treatment and Remedies for Natural Pain Relief
Treatments of back pain are available and are effective in reducing the agony to a large extent though in many cases it is not possible to identify the root cause of the pain but relief in pain can be gained by simple methods. Backache is categorized into two categories, acute pain and chronic pain. Acute pain is that which has lasted for less than a month whereas chronic pain is the one which has persisted for more than three months. There are various serious underlying medical conditions causing chronic back pain and main treatment is focused on treating the root cause of the pain.
Whatever may be the reason but backache can be very debilitating as it can restrict the movement of the victim and make even simple daily activities impossible to perform. NSAID are recommended in allopathic medication for pain relief but all the side effects of these medicines are yet to be discovered hence their long term use is not considered as safe yet. Herbs are the safest ways of treating back pain as they are free of side effects. Herbal oil and ointment available as supplement as non-prescription drugs or in organic form can alleviate the situation by treating even serious medical conditions like arthritis and relaxing muscles and ligaments to cure back pain caused by muscle sprains or stretched ligaments.
Chamomile tea 2-3 times in a day can relax the strained muscles relieving back pain or any other pain in the body. Cayenne pepper contains rich sources of capsaicin which is an excellent pain inhibitor. The effect of cayenne pepper when applied topically is like that of NSAID as it inhibits the signals of pain to the brain. Massage of apple cider vinegar before going to bed can relieve pain in back or lower back caused due to any reason. Devil’s claw, hawthorn, winter cherry are natural pain relievers, devil’s claw and angelica plant roots are trusted herbs used as treatment for pain and inflammation due to arthritis. Use of these herbs for pain relief and light, suitable exercises form excellent treatment for back pain.
Hot water tub bath or Epsom salt bath are also good treatment for back pain, if the pain is confined to one area hot and cold packs are also used for immediate relief from pain. Some medical experts recommend light exercises after a massage with pain inhibiting herbal oils and creams. Warm mustard seed extract can be used for massaging back which can relieve the pain and promote easy movement which eventually helps in improving blood flow to the back to cure the pain. If back pain is accompanied by inflammation herbs like rosemary, valeria, bromelain and saw palmetto works as excellent treatment to reduce the swelling. Herbs supplement each other’s effects and can be taken with other herbs without any problem. Use of garlic as an ointment by making its paste and in the diet is also an effective and easy back pain treatment. One crushed garlic clove with water once in a day is also very useful in treating back and joint pain as it is a rich source of anti-oxidants.
Know about Back Pain Treatment. Read useful Home Remedies for Lumbago.
Whatever may be the reason but backache can be very debilitating as it can restrict the movement of the victim and make even simple daily activities impossible to perform. NSAID are recommended in allopathic medication for pain relief but all the side effects of these medicines are yet to be discovered hence their long term use is not considered as safe yet. Herbs are the safest ways of treating back pain as they are free of side effects. Herbal oil and ointment available as supplement as non-prescription drugs or in organic form can alleviate the situation by treating even serious medical conditions like arthritis and relaxing muscles and ligaments to cure back pain caused by muscle sprains or stretched ligaments.
Chamomile tea 2-3 times in a day can relax the strained muscles relieving back pain or any other pain in the body. Cayenne pepper contains rich sources of capsaicin which is an excellent pain inhibitor. The effect of cayenne pepper when applied topically is like that of NSAID as it inhibits the signals of pain to the brain. Massage of apple cider vinegar before going to bed can relieve pain in back or lower back caused due to any reason. Devil’s claw, hawthorn, winter cherry are natural pain relievers, devil’s claw and angelica plant roots are trusted herbs used as treatment for pain and inflammation due to arthritis. Use of these herbs for pain relief and light, suitable exercises form excellent treatment for back pain.
Hot water tub bath or Epsom salt bath are also good treatment for back pain, if the pain is confined to one area hot and cold packs are also used for immediate relief from pain. Some medical experts recommend light exercises after a massage with pain inhibiting herbal oils and creams. Warm mustard seed extract can be used for massaging back which can relieve the pain and promote easy movement which eventually helps in improving blood flow to the back to cure the pain. If back pain is accompanied by inflammation herbs like rosemary, valeria, bromelain and saw palmetto works as excellent treatment to reduce the swelling. Herbs supplement each other’s effects and can be taken with other herbs without any problem. Use of garlic as an ointment by making its paste and in the diet is also an effective and easy back pain treatment. One crushed garlic clove with water once in a day is also very useful in treating back and joint pain as it is a rich source of anti-oxidants.
Know about Back Pain Treatment. Read useful Home Remedies for Lumbago.
Back Pain Symptoms and Natural Herbal Remedies That Work
Back pain is not a disease but it is a symptom in itself for variety of problems. Back pain is one of the most common ailment and around 80% of all men and women face at least one episode of back pain once in their life. Sometimes back pain occurs and gets cured on its own and no specific reason can be diagnosed. Back pain is treated as acute if it is less than or one month old and the pain which has continued for more than 3 months is treated as chronic.
As back pain or backache is a symptom of many underlying medical conditions disorders, ailments and infection to the internal organs of abdomen, pelvis or chest can make pain to be felt in the back, such a back pain is called as referred pain. Pregnancy may also cause referred pain in the back, other problems related to kidney, aneurysms, appendicitis, bladder infection etc can cause referred back pain. Apart from these, muscle sprain is the most common reason for lower or upper back pain, over used muscles or injured muscles can cause pain in the back during movement. Stretched ligaments, herniated disc, nerve impingement are other causes for back pain.
Stiffness in the back is the primary symptom of back pain. The stiffness in the lower back can be a symptom of many underlying reasons while in the upper back it is caused mostly due to muscle pull or stretched ligament. Conservative measures can cure mild to moderate stiffness. Pain along with stiffness in the lumbosacaral area is also a symptom of back pain. If this pain radiates front, side or back of the leg then it is a symptom of serious condition which may need immediate attention. The problems like nerve impingement, irritation of sciatica nerve and herniated disc cause shooting pain which radiates down to the leg from lower back area.
If the back pain is confined to the area and gets worsened by prolonged sitting position it is also a clear symptom of back pain. Feeling of dull ache in the lower back or upper back which gets sharper during the movement is related to muscles or ligaments but a dull ache which gets worse during night or while lying down is a symptom of back pain caused other than muscular problem.
Numbness, weakness, tender points in the leg or in the back itself is also a symptom of back pain and usually these symptoms are of serious disorder or problem. Inability to standup on the toes or to move the big toe upwards suggest irritation of nerves or pinched nerves in the spinal area which shall be treated immediately.
For relieving the symptoms of back pain herbal treatments and massages with herbal oil and ointments are very safe and effective. Herbs can cure pain occurring due to muscular damage and they are also effective in alleviating the problem caused due to serious conditions like pinched nerves and herniated discs. These herbs have amazing pain inhibiting properties like that of NSAID, can improve blood flow to the affected area, can act as muscle relaxant and can also treat infection and cartilage damage.
Know about Back Pain Treatment. Read useful Home Remedies for Lumbago.
As back pain or backache is a symptom of many underlying medical conditions disorders, ailments and infection to the internal organs of abdomen, pelvis or chest can make pain to be felt in the back, such a back pain is called as referred pain. Pregnancy may also cause referred pain in the back, other problems related to kidney, aneurysms, appendicitis, bladder infection etc can cause referred back pain. Apart from these, muscle sprain is the most common reason for lower or upper back pain, over used muscles or injured muscles can cause pain in the back during movement. Stretched ligaments, herniated disc, nerve impingement are other causes for back pain.
Stiffness in the back is the primary symptom of back pain. The stiffness in the lower back can be a symptom of many underlying reasons while in the upper back it is caused mostly due to muscle pull or stretched ligament. Conservative measures can cure mild to moderate stiffness. Pain along with stiffness in the lumbosacaral area is also a symptom of back pain. If this pain radiates front, side or back of the leg then it is a symptom of serious condition which may need immediate attention. The problems like nerve impingement, irritation of sciatica nerve and herniated disc cause shooting pain which radiates down to the leg from lower back area.
If the back pain is confined to the area and gets worsened by prolonged sitting position it is also a clear symptom of back pain. Feeling of dull ache in the lower back or upper back which gets sharper during the movement is related to muscles or ligaments but a dull ache which gets worse during night or while lying down is a symptom of back pain caused other than muscular problem.
Numbness, weakness, tender points in the leg or in the back itself is also a symptom of back pain and usually these symptoms are of serious disorder or problem. Inability to standup on the toes or to move the big toe upwards suggest irritation of nerves or pinched nerves in the spinal area which shall be treated immediately.
For relieving the symptoms of back pain herbal treatments and massages with herbal oil and ointments are very safe and effective. Herbs can cure pain occurring due to muscular damage and they are also effective in alleviating the problem caused due to serious conditions like pinched nerves and herniated discs. These herbs have amazing pain inhibiting properties like that of NSAID, can improve blood flow to the affected area, can act as muscle relaxant and can also treat infection and cartilage damage.
Know about Back Pain Treatment. Read useful Home Remedies for Lumbago.
Back Pain Sciatica Natural Herbal Remedies and Alternative Treatments
Back pain which radiates down to the legs is a symptom of irritation of sciatica nerve or impingements of the root nerves which give rise to each sciatica nerve. The pain caused due to sciatica nerve is felt in lower back and buttocks which very often shoots down to the legs, pricking of pins and needles like feeling, numbness, muscular weakness and difficulty in controlling leg movement is also experienced. This pain occurs only in one side of the body.
Back pain caused due to sciatica nerves most commonly occurs due to impingements of root nerves which give rise to sciatica nerve. Very rarely low back pain occurs due to compression of sciatica nerve itself. Problem of herniated disc due to growing age, osteoarthritis or any other injury in the lower back also cause irritation of sciatica nerve which cause severe and chronic back pain. Damage to facet joints cause referred pain in the back which appears almost similar to the pain which occurs due to spinal nerve irritation, this pain is called as pseudo sciatica pain. The true sciatica pain is considered to reach beyond the knee level and also in later stages the leg pain becomes more severe than the back pain and sometimes back pain completely disappears. The back pain due to sciatica gets aggravated by sitting, standing, sneezing, lifting objects and having a bowel movement.
Keen observation of the pain helps in diagnosing the exact cause of the back pain caused by the sciatica nerve. The pain can be very agonizing and relief from pain is very helpful in elevating the emotional health of the victim. Temporary relief from the pain helps the patient in moving his back and leg which helps immensely in treating the underlying cause of the pain.
Cayenne pepper is rich in capsaicin and inhibits the pain signals for immediate relief, is available as over the counter medicine. Eucalyptus oil massage is also very good for treating sciatica back pain, it also works as cayenne and has been used since a long time. Chamomile tea is recommended for muscle relaxation which works well for relaxing pinched nerves and relieving pain. A combination of mugwort, agrimony and vinegar is an excellent treatment for sciatica back pain. Devil’s claw is the most extensively used herb for lower back pain due to sciatica and it is beneficial in controlling even the most severe pain in the back and numbness in the legs. Herbal treatment is the best way of treating sciatica back pain as these herbs are free of side effects and can be used for long term without any negative side effects on overall health.
Along with herbal treatments, exercises and therapies like hydrotherapy, TENS, mobilization therapy and light exercises like walking jogging swimming and aerobics also help greatly in improving the condition to reduce frequency and intensity of sciatica back pain. Yoga poses like makar asana, hala asana, sun salutations and ardhmatsyendra asana have also been found very fruitful in alleviating back and leg pain caused due to irritated sciatica nerve. However exercises and therapies shall be chosen after expert medical advice as all the exercises and therapies are not suitable for every condition of sciatica back pain.
Know about Back Pain Treatment. Read useful Home Remedies for Lumbago.
Back pain caused due to sciatica nerves most commonly occurs due to impingements of root nerves which give rise to sciatica nerve. Very rarely low back pain occurs due to compression of sciatica nerve itself. Problem of herniated disc due to growing age, osteoarthritis or any other injury in the lower back also cause irritation of sciatica nerve which cause severe and chronic back pain. Damage to facet joints cause referred pain in the back which appears almost similar to the pain which occurs due to spinal nerve irritation, this pain is called as pseudo sciatica pain. The true sciatica pain is considered to reach beyond the knee level and also in later stages the leg pain becomes more severe than the back pain and sometimes back pain completely disappears. The back pain due to sciatica gets aggravated by sitting, standing, sneezing, lifting objects and having a bowel movement.
Keen observation of the pain helps in diagnosing the exact cause of the back pain caused by the sciatica nerve. The pain can be very agonizing and relief from pain is very helpful in elevating the emotional health of the victim. Temporary relief from the pain helps the patient in moving his back and leg which helps immensely in treating the underlying cause of the pain.
Cayenne pepper is rich in capsaicin and inhibits the pain signals for immediate relief, is available as over the counter medicine. Eucalyptus oil massage is also very good for treating sciatica back pain, it also works as cayenne and has been used since a long time. Chamomile tea is recommended for muscle relaxation which works well for relaxing pinched nerves and relieving pain. A combination of mugwort, agrimony and vinegar is an excellent treatment for sciatica back pain. Devil’s claw is the most extensively used herb for lower back pain due to sciatica and it is beneficial in controlling even the most severe pain in the back and numbness in the legs. Herbal treatment is the best way of treating sciatica back pain as these herbs are free of side effects and can be used for long term without any negative side effects on overall health.
Along with herbal treatments, exercises and therapies like hydrotherapy, TENS, mobilization therapy and light exercises like walking jogging swimming and aerobics also help greatly in improving the condition to reduce frequency and intensity of sciatica back pain. Yoga poses like makar asana, hala asana, sun salutations and ardhmatsyendra asana have also been found very fruitful in alleviating back and leg pain caused due to irritated sciatica nerve. However exercises and therapies shall be chosen after expert medical advice as all the exercises and therapies are not suitable for every condition of sciatica back pain.
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Monday, October 4, 2010
Back Pain Relief Natural Herbal Remedies and Alternative Treatments
Back pain is one of the most common problems but remedies to relieve this pain are effective and can be very helpful in reducing the agony of the victim. There are many causes for back pain out of which few are relatively benign while some can be serious. The pain can be debilitating as it can restrict the person from performing his day to day activities. Relief from pack pain even if temporarily is not only good for emotional health but also for the positive effects of the treatment.
To control pain and inflammation in allopathic medication NSAID are considered as the safest medicines, but all the side effects of NSAID are not known yet so they cannot be treated as harmless or side effect free medicines. Herbs and natural supplements are free of side effects and they are effective not only in providing relief from back pain or backache but also work well for treating the root of the problem.
During mild or moderate back pain self massage of the affected part or the whole back with warm eucalyptus or mustard oil is very beneficial. Self massage makes the muscles of the back move and warm herbal oil improve blood flow to the back for relaxation of muscles. Consumption of half teaspoon of guggulu twice in a day after every meal is very helpful in relieving the back pain. Tea made up of ten basil leaves and consumed twice in a day is also very helpful in relieving back pain. Massage of warm apple cider vinegar on the affected part also relieves the pain as well as inflammation.
Capsaicin are pain signal inhibitors which are abundantly present in cayenne pepper, Cayenne creams are available in the market and massage of this cream on the back can relieve the pain quickly. Chamomile tea can relax the strained muscles to relieve the back pain if caused due to muscle strain or sprain. Use of ginger in tea or in diet can be a great pain reliever, garlic clove consumed once in a day with water or using garlic as a spice in cooking also helps in relieving the back pain.
Moist heat is considered as a quick pain reliever, soak a towel in hot water and apply on the affected part of the back, hot and cold compresses are also very effective in relieving the back pain. A sock full of rice kept in oven for few minutes at the temperature of 50-60 degrees can be used for hot compresses for quick alleviation from back pain. Hot water bath can relieve all sorts of body pain, it can be more beneficial if taken just before going to bed.
Light exercises like walking, jogging, swimming or stretching are also beneficial. Keeping weight in control is not only good for health but also helps in keeping back pain at bay. Some yoga poses specifically focus on the back muscles of the body and their practice can give relief from pain and stiffness. Not sitting in one posture for long, carrying weight holding it close to the body and avoiding sudden and jerky movements can help in reducing the frequency of painful episodes.
Know about Back Pain Treatment. Read useful Home Remedies for Lumbago.
To control pain and inflammation in allopathic medication NSAID are considered as the safest medicines, but all the side effects of NSAID are not known yet so they cannot be treated as harmless or side effect free medicines. Herbs and natural supplements are free of side effects and they are effective not only in providing relief from back pain or backache but also work well for treating the root of the problem.
During mild or moderate back pain self massage of the affected part or the whole back with warm eucalyptus or mustard oil is very beneficial. Self massage makes the muscles of the back move and warm herbal oil improve blood flow to the back for relaxation of muscles. Consumption of half teaspoon of guggulu twice in a day after every meal is very helpful in relieving the back pain. Tea made up of ten basil leaves and consumed twice in a day is also very helpful in relieving back pain. Massage of warm apple cider vinegar on the affected part also relieves the pain as well as inflammation.
Capsaicin are pain signal inhibitors which are abundantly present in cayenne pepper, Cayenne creams are available in the market and massage of this cream on the back can relieve the pain quickly. Chamomile tea can relax the strained muscles to relieve the back pain if caused due to muscle strain or sprain. Use of ginger in tea or in diet can be a great pain reliever, garlic clove consumed once in a day with water or using garlic as a spice in cooking also helps in relieving the back pain.
Moist heat is considered as a quick pain reliever, soak a towel in hot water and apply on the affected part of the back, hot and cold compresses are also very effective in relieving the back pain. A sock full of rice kept in oven for few minutes at the temperature of 50-60 degrees can be used for hot compresses for quick alleviation from back pain. Hot water bath can relieve all sorts of body pain, it can be more beneficial if taken just before going to bed.
Light exercises like walking, jogging, swimming or stretching are also beneficial. Keeping weight in control is not only good for health but also helps in keeping back pain at bay. Some yoga poses specifically focus on the back muscles of the body and their practice can give relief from pain and stiffness. Not sitting in one posture for long, carrying weight holding it close to the body and avoiding sudden and jerky movements can help in reducing the frequency of painful episodes.
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Back Pain Exercises to Help Relieve Backache Naturally
Weak muscles are associated with back pain and exercises are the best ways of strengthening them to avoid pain and trouble. Shortened and weak muscles can cause back pain as they can cause misalignment of spine, injuries while lifting objects and other strenuous activities. Exercises can strengthen, lengthen and make muscles of abdomen, back, thighs, buttocks and hamstrings strong to support and keep spine in perfect alignment for proper functioning.
Before choosing any exercise one must take medical expert's advice about which exercise to choose and whether one can do exercise during pain or not. Always warm up the body before starting the exercise to make the blood circulation proper and even all over the body. Exercises can be done for stretching and strengthening muscles and always keep breathing at normal pace during the exercise as holding of breath may increase blood pressure.
Lie down on the floor, palms on the floor and bend your knees. Slowly lift your knees and bring them towards your chest while inhaling. Hold for few seconds and move them back to original position while exhaling. Repeat this exercise 5-10 times and it can be performed daily or every second day for stretching low back muscles to cure back pain. Another good exercise for stretching back muscles is done by lying down on the floor face down. Now place your palms on the floor and lift your upper torso while you tilt your head backwards to look towards roof as much as possible. Inhale when you lift your upper torso, hold at this position for few seconds and then exhale while slowly coming back to starting position. It is called a cobra pose in yoga and is an important exercise of sun salutation which comprises of seven different similar exercises. These stretching exercises are excellent to improve endurance in muscles and curing back pain or backache caused due to sprains.
Exercises which can increase strength of back muscles help immensely in avoiding back pain as strong muscles can support the spine and weight bearing activity in much better way. Lie on the floor face down, come on your elbows and toe to form a plank like position, shoulders, buttocks and legs in one line and forming and angle with the floor. Hold this position for few seconds and then come back down on floor. Repeat this for 10 times in one session. Another exercise is done by lying on the floor on your back with your knees bend and feet on the floor. Lift your buttocks up forming an angle with the floor with your shoulder, buttocks and knees in one line. Hold this position for few seconds and repeat this movement 10 times in one session.
Get down in the pool waist deep and take a walk across the pool, try and avoid twisting your back while stepping forward and try to overcome the resistance of water by gaining power from your low back muscles, hamstrings and thigh muscles. This is an excellent muscles strengthening exercise which cures back pain even in those people who are involved in strenuous physical activities.
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Before choosing any exercise one must take medical expert's advice about which exercise to choose and whether one can do exercise during pain or not. Always warm up the body before starting the exercise to make the blood circulation proper and even all over the body. Exercises can be done for stretching and strengthening muscles and always keep breathing at normal pace during the exercise as holding of breath may increase blood pressure.
Lie down on the floor, palms on the floor and bend your knees. Slowly lift your knees and bring them towards your chest while inhaling. Hold for few seconds and move them back to original position while exhaling. Repeat this exercise 5-10 times and it can be performed daily or every second day for stretching low back muscles to cure back pain. Another good exercise for stretching back muscles is done by lying down on the floor face down. Now place your palms on the floor and lift your upper torso while you tilt your head backwards to look towards roof as much as possible. Inhale when you lift your upper torso, hold at this position for few seconds and then exhale while slowly coming back to starting position. It is called a cobra pose in yoga and is an important exercise of sun salutation which comprises of seven different similar exercises. These stretching exercises are excellent to improve endurance in muscles and curing back pain or backache caused due to sprains.
Exercises which can increase strength of back muscles help immensely in avoiding back pain as strong muscles can support the spine and weight bearing activity in much better way. Lie on the floor face down, come on your elbows and toe to form a plank like position, shoulders, buttocks and legs in one line and forming and angle with the floor. Hold this position for few seconds and then come back down on floor. Repeat this for 10 times in one session. Another exercise is done by lying on the floor on your back with your knees bend and feet on the floor. Lift your buttocks up forming an angle with the floor with your shoulder, buttocks and knees in one line. Hold this position for few seconds and repeat this movement 10 times in one session.
Get down in the pool waist deep and take a walk across the pool, try and avoid twisting your back while stepping forward and try to overcome the resistance of water by gaining power from your low back muscles, hamstrings and thigh muscles. This is an excellent muscles strengthening exercise which cures back pain even in those people who are involved in strenuous physical activities.
Know about Back Pain Treatment. Read useful Home Remedies for Lumbago.
Sunday, October 3, 2010
Back Pain Causes and Herbal Remedies for Backache Relief
Back pain is one of the most common complaints these days and nearly 80% of people are estimated to suffer from it once in their lifetime caused due to different reasons. Low back bears most of the weight of human body, muscles of this area are active even when person is sitting as they help in maintaining the balance of the body and avoid the person from falling over. Upper back muscles also remain active during the day, upper back muscles give support to arms and shoulders in all sorts of activities, these muscles also help and give support to neck for keeping head movement under control and bear the weight of the head. This makes them prone to wear and tear and also to injuries.
Muscular sprains are the most common causes for pain in upper or lower back. Repetitive movements, lifting heavy objects, wrong technique of lifting objects or exercises, sudden and jerky movements, accidents and infections can strain or stretch the muscles and ligaments beyond their limit which causes pain and sometimes inflammation. The muscular sprains of all sorts are treatable and can subside within few weeks.
Amongst other causes of back pain or backache is ruptured disc or herniated disc. The intervertebral discs situated between the vertebra of spinal disc to provide cushion and smooth movement bulges out due to age, arthritis and other reasons causing severe back pain during the movement as well as in resting position. Discogenic back pain is caused due to damage of intervertebral disc but this situation does not occur due to herniated disc. This is also one of the most common causes of back pain and need special diagnosing techniques to differentiate it from herniated disc.
Osteoarthritis can also cause back pain as it promotes degeneration of bones which misaligns the spinal skeletal system to cause pain in the lower back. Osteoarthritis can promote herniated disc and impingement of nerves which first causes back pain in the lumbar region which radiates down to legs to cause leg pain. Due to osteoarthritis or other medical conditions the spinal canal gets constricted which causes back pain, this situation is spinal stenosis. The rigidity of spinal canal can irritate sciatica nerve as well as root nerves to aggravate the pain in the lower back further.
Fractures or injuries in the low back which may make one or two vertebra unstable can also cause severe back pain. This situation is popularly known as slip disc. Impingement of nerves in the cervical spine can cause back pain in the upper back which may shoot towards arms and shoulders. Impingement of arteries and veins in the cervical region can also cause pain and restricted blood supply to arms and shoulders.
Herbs can relieve back pain caused due to any reason which helps in treating the root cause of the problem. There are many herbs which are excellent pain relievers as well as muscle relaxants to alleviate the situation quickly. Eucalyptus oil, mustard seed extract, rosemary, angelica plant roots, devil's claw are few widely used trusted herbs having history of providing safe and beneficial results.
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Muscular sprains are the most common causes for pain in upper or lower back. Repetitive movements, lifting heavy objects, wrong technique of lifting objects or exercises, sudden and jerky movements, accidents and infections can strain or stretch the muscles and ligaments beyond their limit which causes pain and sometimes inflammation. The muscular sprains of all sorts are treatable and can subside within few weeks.
Amongst other causes of back pain or backache is ruptured disc or herniated disc. The intervertebral discs situated between the vertebra of spinal disc to provide cushion and smooth movement bulges out due to age, arthritis and other reasons causing severe back pain during the movement as well as in resting position. Discogenic back pain is caused due to damage of intervertebral disc but this situation does not occur due to herniated disc. This is also one of the most common causes of back pain and need special diagnosing techniques to differentiate it from herniated disc.
Osteoarthritis can also cause back pain as it promotes degeneration of bones which misaligns the spinal skeletal system to cause pain in the lower back. Osteoarthritis can promote herniated disc and impingement of nerves which first causes back pain in the lumbar region which radiates down to legs to cause leg pain. Due to osteoarthritis or other medical conditions the spinal canal gets constricted which causes back pain, this situation is spinal stenosis. The rigidity of spinal canal can irritate sciatica nerve as well as root nerves to aggravate the pain in the lower back further.
Fractures or injuries in the low back which may make one or two vertebra unstable can also cause severe back pain. This situation is popularly known as slip disc. Impingement of nerves in the cervical spine can cause back pain in the upper back which may shoot towards arms and shoulders. Impingement of arteries and veins in the cervical region can also cause pain and restricted blood supply to arms and shoulders.
Herbs can relieve back pain caused due to any reason which helps in treating the root cause of the problem. There are many herbs which are excellent pain relievers as well as muscle relaxants to alleviate the situation quickly. Eucalyptus oil, mustard seed extract, rosemary, angelica plant roots, devil's claw are few widely used trusted herbs having history of providing safe and beneficial results.
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Back Neck Pain Natural Herbal Remedies and Causes
There are many reasons those may cause back neck pain from muscular injuries to arthritis and pinched nerves. Sometimes back neck pain occurs due to other problems which are not related to musculoskeletal system of the body like swelling of diaphragm and heart attack. Neck contain muscles, ligaments, tendons which may get injured or stretched to cause back pain and also swelling to these organs due to infection and other disorders also cause pain during the movement.
Apart from injuries to muscles, ligaments and tendons back neck pain may occur due to arthritis too, osteoarthritis or rheumatoid arthritis. Degenerative arthritis can pinch the nerves attached to cervical spine to cause severe and chronic pain in the neck. Degeneration of cervical disc also causes back neck pain. Other conditions like fractured collar bone, injury to rotator cuff, bursitis, broken shoulder blade, tendinitis and gallbladder problems can also cause pain in the upper back and neck.
The pain that occurs in the upper back and neck is sharp and sudden but it can be deep dull ache too which may get sharp during movement. The burning sensation or development of tender points is also associated with back neck pain due to serious arthritic condition or cervical spondylosis. Weakness and numbness along with the pain suggests damage to the musculoskeletal system of the upper back and neck which is causing pain. Cool arm or change in the color of the skin at the affected part suggest pinched arteries and veins of the upper back and neck.
Back neck pain is experienced in two ways one, the pain which is confined to one area and does not radiate to shoulder and arms whereas other which radiates to shoulder and arms. The pain which remains confined to one area is normally associated with muscles, ligaments and tendons whereas shooting pain is associated with rather serious conditions like pinched nerves, disc deformation and bone deposits. However this is not a foolproof method to diagnosis the root cause of pain and is based on general evidences.
NSAID and muscle relaxants are recommended for pain relief in allopathic medication which are not considered as suitable for long term use. Herbal treatments are more popular as herbs are natural and treat the problem naturally without any side effects. There are few extremely effective herbs for pain relief and muscle relaxation. Cayenne pepper is widely used for topical application on the aching body parts and joints for immediate relief. Chamomile tea is an excellent muscle relaxant, tea of chamomile is recommended 2-3 times in a day. Massage of warm eucalyptus oil is very beneficial in relieving pain and relaxing muscles. Consumption of winter cherry is very good for overall health and for pain relief as well.
Ginger and garlic are good source of anti-oxidants which promote blood flow in the body to treat all sorts of pain and help the body in removing blockages of arteries and veins. Exercises and therapies also help in alleviating the back neck pain in a short duration along with herbs. Hydrotherapy, light exercises, yoga are some popular ways of controlling back neck pain and reducing the frequency of its occurrence.
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Apart from injuries to muscles, ligaments and tendons back neck pain may occur due to arthritis too, osteoarthritis or rheumatoid arthritis. Degenerative arthritis can pinch the nerves attached to cervical spine to cause severe and chronic pain in the neck. Degeneration of cervical disc also causes back neck pain. Other conditions like fractured collar bone, injury to rotator cuff, bursitis, broken shoulder blade, tendinitis and gallbladder problems can also cause pain in the upper back and neck.
The pain that occurs in the upper back and neck is sharp and sudden but it can be deep dull ache too which may get sharp during movement. The burning sensation or development of tender points is also associated with back neck pain due to serious arthritic condition or cervical spondylosis. Weakness and numbness along with the pain suggests damage to the musculoskeletal system of the upper back and neck which is causing pain. Cool arm or change in the color of the skin at the affected part suggest pinched arteries and veins of the upper back and neck.
Back neck pain is experienced in two ways one, the pain which is confined to one area and does not radiate to shoulder and arms whereas other which radiates to shoulder and arms. The pain which remains confined to one area is normally associated with muscles, ligaments and tendons whereas shooting pain is associated with rather serious conditions like pinched nerves, disc deformation and bone deposits. However this is not a foolproof method to diagnosis the root cause of pain and is based on general evidences.
NSAID and muscle relaxants are recommended for pain relief in allopathic medication which are not considered as suitable for long term use. Herbal treatments are more popular as herbs are natural and treat the problem naturally without any side effects. There are few extremely effective herbs for pain relief and muscle relaxation. Cayenne pepper is widely used for topical application on the aching body parts and joints for immediate relief. Chamomile tea is an excellent muscle relaxant, tea of chamomile is recommended 2-3 times in a day. Massage of warm eucalyptus oil is very beneficial in relieving pain and relaxing muscles. Consumption of winter cherry is very good for overall health and for pain relief as well.
Ginger and garlic are good source of anti-oxidants which promote blood flow in the body to treat all sorts of pain and help the body in removing blockages of arteries and veins. Exercises and therapies also help in alleviating the back neck pain in a short duration along with herbs. Hydrotherapy, light exercises, yoga are some popular ways of controlling back neck pain and reducing the frequency of its occurrence.
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Friday, October 1, 2010
Back Muscle Pain and Stiffness Herbal Remedies That Work
The most common form of pain experienced in the back is caused by muscles when they get pulled or strained, sprained, damaged, infected or swollen. Sometime muscle pain in lower back is mistaken by spinal pain because it hurts during the movement. Though back muscle pain does not pose any serious threat to health barring few serious infections, but it can be very agonizing and troublesome.
Back muscle pain can be caused by many reasons, one of the most common reasons is muscle strain. Muscles are structures formed by the chains of muscle fibers which are attached to each other. When muscle is over stretched these attachments get damaged or even separated to cause pain and inflammation. However simple massages and use of over the counter pain relieving medicines can cure the problem. Another form of muscle strain is tearing of ligament, ligaments attach the muscles with bones and when due to excess pressure or over use these attachments are stretched or separated they cause muscle pain and swelling. In common language these problems are referred as muscle pulls and conservative measures to cure them are effective.
Muscle stiffness is another form of problem which is caused by back pain and may give rise to pain in other areas. When a muscle or ligament gets injured the surrounding muscles may get stretched due to swelling in the affected muscle or ligament, which causes stiffness in them and if stretched during the movement may get injured to aggravate the pain. Muscle may also cause spasms which may last few seconds or minutes, this is uncontrollable and involuntary.
Implications of back muscle pains can be severe at times if they are left untreated or the root of the problem is not cured. Like people working in an environment where they make repetitive motions or exert continuous pressure on any particular part may become victim of muscle imbalance and may face severe muscular pains in future. This problem promotes reluctance in moving a particular joint which can initiate lack of movement and later cause problems with the range of joint movement.
There are many herbs and oils made up of herbal ingredients which can relax the tired muscles by improving blood flow to them. Few of these herbs can be taken orally and few are for topical use. Winter cherry is an excellent tonic for increasing stamina, strength and energy levels of the body and also provides muscular strength. Saw palmetto, rosemary are excellent anti-inflammatory herbs, cayenne pepper is available in the form of cream as non-prescription medicine for topical use which relaxes muscles and nerves and reduces pain immediately. Chamomile tea 2-3 times in a day is an excellent muscle relaxant. Warm mustard seed extract is very good for moderate massage to relieve all sorts of muscle pain and also good for muscle strengthening.
Light exercises like walking, jogging and swimming can regularize the blood flow to all parts of the body which helps in relieving over used muscles and helping them to come out of exhaustion. Bathing with warm water before going to bed is another remedy for avoiding muscle pain.
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Back muscle pain can be caused by many reasons, one of the most common reasons is muscle strain. Muscles are structures formed by the chains of muscle fibers which are attached to each other. When muscle is over stretched these attachments get damaged or even separated to cause pain and inflammation. However simple massages and use of over the counter pain relieving medicines can cure the problem. Another form of muscle strain is tearing of ligament, ligaments attach the muscles with bones and when due to excess pressure or over use these attachments are stretched or separated they cause muscle pain and swelling. In common language these problems are referred as muscle pulls and conservative measures to cure them are effective.
Muscle stiffness is another form of problem which is caused by back pain and may give rise to pain in other areas. When a muscle or ligament gets injured the surrounding muscles may get stretched due to swelling in the affected muscle or ligament, which causes stiffness in them and if stretched during the movement may get injured to aggravate the pain. Muscle may also cause spasms which may last few seconds or minutes, this is uncontrollable and involuntary.
Implications of back muscle pains can be severe at times if they are left untreated or the root of the problem is not cured. Like people working in an environment where they make repetitive motions or exert continuous pressure on any particular part may become victim of muscle imbalance and may face severe muscular pains in future. This problem promotes reluctance in moving a particular joint which can initiate lack of movement and later cause problems with the range of joint movement.
There are many herbs and oils made up of herbal ingredients which can relax the tired muscles by improving blood flow to them. Few of these herbs can be taken orally and few are for topical use. Winter cherry is an excellent tonic for increasing stamina, strength and energy levels of the body and also provides muscular strength. Saw palmetto, rosemary are excellent anti-inflammatory herbs, cayenne pepper is available in the form of cream as non-prescription medicine for topical use which relaxes muscles and nerves and reduces pain immediately. Chamomile tea 2-3 times in a day is an excellent muscle relaxant. Warm mustard seed extract is very good for moderate massage to relieve all sorts of muscle pain and also good for muscle strengthening.
Light exercises like walking, jogging and swimming can regularize the blood flow to all parts of the body which helps in relieving over used muscles and helping them to come out of exhaustion. Bathing with warm water before going to bed is another remedy for avoiding muscle pain.
Know about Back Pain Treatment. Read useful Home Remedies for Lumbago.
Arthritis Joint Pain Causes That You Must Know
Arthritis is not a single disease it is a term which covers more than 100 medical conditions and has different underlying causes of their occurrence. Arthritis affects musculoskeletal system and specifically joints, it restricts the movement of the joints, can reduce the range of movement, it can also cause pain every time joint is moved, numbness and softness in the joints. It is one of the major reasons of disability amongst elderly people above age of 55 years.
There are many causes of arthritis some have been identified while medical experts believe that there can be few more reasons contributing to it. Genetics is considered as a possible reason for arthritis though no confirm proof of it is available yet. Genetic variation occurring due to migration or natural evolution process of human beings and their response to changing environment and life style is considered as possible reason for arthritis.
Age is a natural cause of arthritis as with growing age the synovial fluid between the joints gets reduced which can cause wear and tear of the cartilages. Even muscles and ligaments get rigid and loose elasticity with the growing age which can cause misalignment of joints to promote arthritis. It has been noted that people putting extra pressure on a particular body part like people doing sitting job put extra pressure on their lower back are prone to face arthritic conditions sooner than others. Obesity or excess fat mass in the body also exerts extra pressure on the bones and can cause reduction in the elasticity of muscles causing arthritic condition.
Injuries to the joints or to the bones as well as muscular injuries can also cause arthritis. Joints are held in position by ligaments and if there is any past injury which has damaged ligaments can misalign the joints, muscles help in moving the joints by contracting and expanding and any injury to them also restrict the movement or cause pain while moving the joint to promote arthritis. Sportspersons have been found to develop arthritis due to this reason as they are prone to muscular injuries while playing the sport or doing strenuous exercises.
Bacteria, fungi or virus which travels in the bloodstream can also cause arthritis by infecting synovial fluid and cartilages. However this condition is rare but people having an arthritic condition are prone to such infectious arthritis if they catch any infection whose virus, bacteria or fungi can travel in the bloodstream. Viral hepatitis is an auto immune disorder in which immune system starts attacking the healthy tissues of the body, spread of this disease cause arthritis. Lyme disease caused by the bite of a tick also causes arthritis. Lupus is another disease which causes arthritis if not treated properly and allowed to grow, in some cases it can even cause life threatening infections in the joints and muscles.
Occupational hazards also cause arthritis, people working in particular work routine where they exert pressure on particular joint or area of the body like people in sitting jobs can also develop arthritis, multiple fractures to the bones also disrupt the normal functioning of joints to cause arthritis.
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There are many causes of arthritis some have been identified while medical experts believe that there can be few more reasons contributing to it. Genetics is considered as a possible reason for arthritis though no confirm proof of it is available yet. Genetic variation occurring due to migration or natural evolution process of human beings and their response to changing environment and life style is considered as possible reason for arthritis.
Age is a natural cause of arthritis as with growing age the synovial fluid between the joints gets reduced which can cause wear and tear of the cartilages. Even muscles and ligaments get rigid and loose elasticity with the growing age which can cause misalignment of joints to promote arthritis. It has been noted that people putting extra pressure on a particular body part like people doing sitting job put extra pressure on their lower back are prone to face arthritic conditions sooner than others. Obesity or excess fat mass in the body also exerts extra pressure on the bones and can cause reduction in the elasticity of muscles causing arthritic condition.
Injuries to the joints or to the bones as well as muscular injuries can also cause arthritis. Joints are held in position by ligaments and if there is any past injury which has damaged ligaments can misalign the joints, muscles help in moving the joints by contracting and expanding and any injury to them also restrict the movement or cause pain while moving the joint to promote arthritis. Sportspersons have been found to develop arthritis due to this reason as they are prone to muscular injuries while playing the sport or doing strenuous exercises.
Bacteria, fungi or virus which travels in the bloodstream can also cause arthritis by infecting synovial fluid and cartilages. However this condition is rare but people having an arthritic condition are prone to such infectious arthritis if they catch any infection whose virus, bacteria or fungi can travel in the bloodstream. Viral hepatitis is an auto immune disorder in which immune system starts attacking the healthy tissues of the body, spread of this disease cause arthritis. Lyme disease caused by the bite of a tick also causes arthritis. Lupus is another disease which causes arthritis if not treated properly and allowed to grow, in some cases it can even cause life threatening infections in the joints and muscles.
Occupational hazards also cause arthritis, people working in particular work routine where they exert pressure on particular joint or area of the body like people in sitting jobs can also develop arthritis, multiple fractures to the bones also disrupt the normal functioning of joints to cause arthritis.
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